How to Create a Lead Capture Form in WordPress

Lead Capture From

Lead capture is the most essential task for any marketer. Marketers capture leads via email, contact forms, ebooks, and social media. Lead capture form is the most efficient way to capture leads. 

What is a Lead Capture Form?

Lead means when an audience interacts with a brand that becomes the final customer. It is the most essential part of any business. The lead capture form helps you collect customer data like name and contact information with a contact form. You can send different promotional offers and product information based on those data.  

Marketers find that about 75% of audiences visit different websites without purchasing. So it’s an excellent opportunity to target those audiences and turn them into our final customers. So, we can use a lead capture form to grab their attention. 

Easy Steps to Create a Lead Capture Form in WordPress

We use different plugins in WordPress. Optinmonster, WP Forms, Ninja Forms, and Gravity Forms are a few names of lead capture plugins. However, we use the FormyChat WhatsApp-based lead capture form.

Install and Activate FormyChat in WordPress


It is a WordPress-based contact form plugin. It collects data from the contact form and sends it to a WhatsApp number instead of an email or website. We go to the plugin directory and search for the FormyChat plugin. After downloading it, install and activate our WordPress site. 


Step-1: Add WhatsApp Information 

After FormyChat activation, you must complete the setup of the contact form. You have to add your WhatsApp number. 

Add WhatsApp Number and Message 

Open the WordPress dashboard, click FormyChat, and select the WhatsApp info template. Then, add your WhatsApp number. In this form, you can add any country’s WhatsApp number that fits your needs. After that, you can add a message to the present message box. You can click the next CTA button after finishing.

Step 1 Add WhatsApp Info
Pro Tip: You can format the present message with the ultimate version of FormyChat. In the ultimate version, you can add a Title, URL, and ID according to your needs. 

Step 2: Customize Form

After adding a WhatsApp number, you can customize the form according to your needs. FormyChat has a lot of customization options; you can add and customize icons. You can also customize the call to action and the contact form. 

Step 2: Customize Form

Customize Icon

In this section, you customize the call to action button icon. You can add your icon. The recommended size for custom icons is 64×64 pixels. You can also change the icon size from small to large and adjust the position from left to right. You can also set the icon size and position using their custom option. 

Customize Icon
Pro Tip: When you add a custom icon, it attracts more leads than the traditional icon.

Modify Call to Action

The call to action button is the most essential part of any form. According to statistics, 3% of people will leave the form if the call to action button says submit. You can change the call to action button text based on your products or services in this form. You can also modify the call-to-action text size, text color, and background color to attract more audience. 

Modify Call to Action
Pro Tip: The best practice is to use two words for the call to action button; try to use power words. Always try two call-to-action buttons and run A/B testing to determine which performs best. 

Customize Contract Form

There are two types of forms: the FormyChat default form and the Contact Form 7. You can choose anyone, but for Contact Form 7, you must install that plugin first.  

You can customize the form title, header text, footer text, and submit button. In this section, you must be careful when you customize the form; ensure it attracts the audience. Try to use some trendy and powerful words in your content. There are admin email options; if you turn them on, they send leads to your email address.    

Customize Contract Form

Customize Country Code 

FormyChat allows selecting the country code for different countries. You can customize the form CTA button text’s color, size, and font. 

Control Form Behavior

You can control the form behavior, such as opening the WhatsApp form by default when the page is loaded. Then, you can control WhatsApp form closing after submission. When customizing your form, click the next CTA button for the next step.  

Control Form Behavior
Pro Tip: If you want to grab more leads, focus on form customization. But, the form customization feature is only available in the Ultimate version. 

Step 3: Add and Customize Greetings Message

In this step, you can add a greeting message to attract your audience. Go to the FormyChat setting, select Greetings, and enable the display greeting popup option. You can choose different types of greeting templates and the template style. 

Step 3: Add and Customize Greetings Message

Customize Greetings Message

In this section, you can customize your greetings message. You can use different icons for your greeting message and change the position. They have the option to customize the headings and the body text.

Customize Greetings Message
Pro Tip: Try to create a simple message, and don’t ask personal questions. Too many personal questions decrease the conversion rate.

Customize CTA Button

One of the best options is to customize the CTA button. You can turn the button on or off and add your content to the CTA button. Besides, they allow you to upload different CTA button icons, and you can customize them, too. After that, please click the next CTA button for the next step.   

Customize CTA Button

Pro Tip: Always use an engaging call-to-action button that boosts leads twice.  

Step-4: Customize Triggers and Targeting 

Set Triggers

This is the last step of the FormyChat form setup. In this step, you can activate Formychat. They have to enable and disable trigger options. You can also set a time when the WhatsApp form will appear on your desired page.

Set Triggers

Set Targeting

You can choose which page you want to target for the WhatsApp form in this part. You can also select or exclude multiple pages; they have both options. 

Set Targeting

Finishing the Setup 

After setting the triggers and targeting, click the save button to finish the setup. Then FormyChat is ready to use. 

Finishing the Setup 

Collecting Leads from Contact Forms

You can collect the lead data from the FormyChat lead dashboard. You can collect data from date or download a CSV file. But this lead feature is only available in the Ultimate version.

Collecting Leads from Contact Forms
Pro Tip: If you want full lead access, then you have to use the FormyChat Ultimate version.  


After finishing setup, you can enjoy the Form Chat WhatsApp form, and with its Ultimate features, you can boost your leads twice.  


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