The Misleading of Google Padlock Icon

What Is Google Padlock Icon?

We know the Google padlock lock icon on the page’s left top. But what is the purpose of that icon? The lock icon is meant to indicate that the network connection is secure. It means the network connection cannot be tampered with by third parties. Most financial and e-commerce sites use this secure connection for privacy and safety.

Google PadleIcon

The Confusion of Google Chrome Padlock Icon

Google research shows that,

  • Most people think the Google Chrome padlock means website trustworthiness, but only 11% know the real meaning.
  • This misunderstanding is not harmless — nearly all phishing sites use HTTPS and, therefore, also display the lock icon.
  • Misunderstandings are so pervasive that many organizations, including the FBI, publish explicit guidance that the lock icon is not an indicator of website safety.
  • Afterward, Google quotes that the Chrome padlock icon guarantees connection security but does not assure a website’s privacy, security, and trustworthiness.

The Solutions to Google Chrome Padlock Icon Confusion

Google worked on its icon problem in 2018 to solve the confusion, and at last, they got the solutions.

Google will replace the lock icon in Chrome with a variant of the tune icon. They quote the tune icon,

  • It does not imply “Trustworthy.”
  • It is more obviously clickable.
  • It is commonly associated with settings or other controls.
Latest Google Chrome Tune Icon

The new icon is scheduled to launch in Chrome 117, released in early September 2023, as part of a general design refresh for desktop platforms.

Google announced that the change is scheduled for both the desktop and Android versions of Chrome, removing the icon entirely from the iOS version. Remember that while the padlock indicates a secure connection, it doesn’t necessarily guarantee the trustworthiness of the website’s content. It means the data exchanged between your browser and the website is encrypted for privacy and security. Always be cautious and verify the legitimacy of a website before entering sensitive information.


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